
您所在的位置:网站首页 net nets 区别 (一)UPF之电源网络(Supply


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文章目录 一、什么是UPF二、UPF电源网络2.1、Supply_Port2.2、Supply_Net2.3、Supply_Set2.3.1、Supply Set的用法 三、示例


  UPF:Unified Power Format,是Synopsys公司提出的一种对芯片中电源域设计进行约束的文件格式。UPF 能表述出IC 电路低功耗设计的供电意图(Power Intent),比如描述电源域(power_domain)、电源开关(power_switch)、电源隔离(power_isolation)以及电源域之间怎样加入低功耗元件,电路的电源网络定义、电源线间的行为等等。


  当前UPF版本:UPF2.0 & UPF2.1 (IEEE-2009 & IEEE-2013)

二、UPF电源网络 2.1、Supply_Port

  Supply Port: 逻辑概念,属于 “Logic Source”,在Physical上并没有真正的Pin端口,主要用于给power/groud供电,和连接不同scope下相同的supply net。

### 命令用法: create_supply_port -domain -direction ### 参数含义: Port_name :Usually the same with supply net at the same scope. -domain :scope setting,supply port defined with domain is created at domain scope,or at the default working scope. -direction :stands for the direction of current;tool should honor the direction specified for PG port in Liberty; Usually define supply port as "inout" or "input" in UPF.

【注】:-direction选项指示的是电流方向,一般电流流向为从VDD由外到内流入;但是当存在Power Switch时,电流流向也会从PSW由内向外流出。通常direction习惯性直接定义为“inout”


  Supply Net:声明设计中使用到的supply net,包括Power、Ground、nwell、pwell等net;但是不含supply net的function;设计中所有用到的PG net都需要在UPF中声明;每一个声明的supply net必须连接到supply port上。

### 命令用法: create_supply_net -domain -reuse -resolve ### 参数含义: Net_Name :derive from design spec. -domain :scope setting,supply net defined with domain is created at domain scope,or at the default working scope. -reuse :supply net will be used in another scope with the same name. -resolve :define how the state and voltage of a supply net are resolved when the supply net is driven by one or more power switches.

【注】:-reuse选项和-resolve选项尽量少用或者不用,避免出错。-resolve选项用来定义supply net的驱动方式(One hot / Parallel / Parallel One Hot )

  补充命令:连接 Supply_Net 和 Supply_Port

### 命令用法: connect_supply_net -ports 2.3、Supply_Set

  Supply Set:表示一组相关的power/ground/nwell/pwell/deepnwell/deeppwell的nets;属于UPF2.0的语法。

### 命令用法: create_supply_set -function -update ### 参数含义: Set_Name :Usually used SS_XX_XX, eg:SS_VDD_VSS. -function :define power net function. -update :incrementally update of supply set content.

【注】:Supply Set可以定义supply net的function,也可以定义PG network的power state。

2.3.1、Supply Set的用法

  每一个Power Domain都要绑定一个Supply Set作为其Primary Supply Set,即为该Power Domain里边所有的Stand Cell PG供电的Supply Set;但是每一个create的Supply Set未必都要绑定到某一个Power Domain上,对于没有绑定Power Domain的Supply Set,在Cadence的流程中,工具会自动为其create一个internal Power Domain。

  Supply Set Handle:Abstract supply set implicitly for a power domain.

### 命令用法: Supply Set Handle: Domain_Name.Keyword ### 示例:(UPF的三个自有关键字) PD.primary :means primary supply set of power domain PD. PD.default_isolation :means default supply set for isolation cells located in domain PD. PD.default_retention :means default supply set for retention cells located in domain PD. 三、示例


  上图所示,存在两个2个Power Domain, 2个Power Net,

Power Domain:PD_Top 和 PD_Block。Power Net :VDD 和 VDD_Block。VDD是给PD_Top Domain中的所有StandCell供电,VDD_Block是给PD_Block Domain中多有的StandCell供电;二者共用VSS。


### 定义Supply_Port、Supply_Net,并进行连接;然后定义Supply_Set ### 具体语法如下: create_supply_port VDD -direction inout #或“input”,注意尽量避免使用output create_supply_net VDD connect_supply_net VDD -ports VDD #连接supply_net和supply_port create_supply_port VSS -direction inout create_supply_net VSS connect_supply_net VSS -ports VSS create_supply_port VDD_Block -direction inout create_supply_net VDD_Block connect_supply_net VDD_Block -ports VDD_Blcok create_supply_set SS_VDD_VSS \ #定义一组相关的nets -function {power VDD} \ -function {ground VSS} create_supply_set SS_VDD_Block_VSS \ -function {power VDD_Block} \ -function {ground VSS} ### 上述代码声明好了电源网络,但是还未将StandCell的PG pin与Supply_Net在逻辑上进行连接 ### 具体语法如下: create_power_domian PD_Top -include_scope \ -supply {primary SS_VDD_VSS} #创建default domain,并定义其primary Supply_Set create_power_domian PD_Block -include_scope \ -supply {primary SS_VDD_Block_VSS}

  对于一个StandCell,如何知道其primary_power Pin和primary_ground Pin是什么呢?   详情可查阅STDcell的liberty , 代码示例如下:

pg_pin(VDD){ voltage_name:VDD; pg_type:primary_power; } pg_pin(VSS){ voltage_name:VSS; pg_type:ground_power; }




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